Bloom Tutoring Center, LLC - San Juan, Puerto Rico
Bloom Tutoring Center, LLC
2 Reviews
Bloom Tutoring Center, LLC1708 Avenida Ponce de León Suite 2017877278124
- Verified
Listing - +12Years
With Us
Company name
Bloom Tutoring Center, LLC
1708 Avenida Ponce de León Suite 201, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Contact number
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 2:00pm-7:00pm
- Tuesday: 2:00pm-7:00pm
- Wednesday: 2:00pm-7:00pm
- Thursday: 2:00pm-7:00pm
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Establishment year
2013E-mail address
Company description
Este nuevo negocio inicia operaciones en abril 2013, para dedicarse a brindar servicios educativos a estudiantes de nivel elemental a nivel universitario. Se ofrece instrucción uno a uno, supervisión de asignaciones diarias, fortaleza de hábitos de estudio, refuerzo de destrezas básicas, preparación para exámenes estandarizados, asistencia en el proceso de transición de escuela superior a universidad, talleres de educación continua y un gran enfoque en cursos de inglés como segundo idioma (English as a Second Language-ESL).
Las facilidades de Bloom Tutoring Center cuentan con cuatro salones, cada cual con su pizarra y decoración escolar de las cinco materias básicas reconocidas por el Departamento de Educación. Además, Bloom Tutoring Center facilita los estudiantes con
Spring is our state of mind.
Our primary goal is to provide Puerto Rico's youth with a center that will help them BLOOM personally and professionally. We dedicate ourselves to molding those who will serve in our future society.
We offer educational services to all grade levels beginning with elementary up to and including university students. One-on-one tutoring sessions and homework supervision are our two main focuses. However, we also provide preparation for standardized testing, aid in résumé composition, and reinforcement in English as a Second Language (ESL).
Diverse workshops will also be given.
Las facilidades de Bloom Tutoring Center cuentan con cuatro salones, cada cual con su pizarra y decoración escolar de las cinco materias básicas reconocidas por el Departamento de Educación. Además, Bloom Tutoring Center facilita los estudiantes con
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“wireless internet”, un salón de recurso con varias laptops, y un rincón de lectura con diversos libros y hojas de trabajos. Es con optimismo e innovación que Bloom se establece. La visión es que la juventud tenga un lugar en donde se puedan continuar desarrollando como grandes profesionales que hará crecer a la sociedad puertorriqueña afectivamente.Mission
Spring is our state of mind.
Our primary goal is to provide Puerto Rico's youth with a center that will help them BLOOM personally and professionally. We dedicate ourselves to molding those who will serve in our future society.
We offer educational services to all grade levels beginning with elementary up to and including university students. One-on-one tutoring sessions and homework supervision are our two main focuses. However, we also provide preparation for standardized testing, aid in résumé composition, and reinforcement in English as a Second Language (ESL).
Diverse workshops will also be given.
Listed in categories
Products & Services 1
- One-on-one tutoring sessionsWe contract tutors who are specialized in each subject. Our ...
Bloom Tutoring Center, LLC1708 Avenida Ponce de León Suite 2017877278124
This place is excellent..very happy with my daughters grades.
Bloom Tutoring Center, LLC1708 Avenida Ponce de León Suite 2017877278124
This center is the best in area. The teachers are certified and some are even university professors. I highly recommend all parents to enroll their children/teens in one-on-one tutoring, homework supervision or any of the standardized testing reviews. It was recently established by two teachers who truly have a passion for teaching. It deserves 5 stars and more! Thanks Bloom!
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