Pet Vet The Dra Davis - Isabela, Puerto Rico
Pet Vet The Dra Davis
1 Review
Pet Vet The Dra DavisCarr 446 Km 0.3 Bo Bajuras787-872-0204
Pet Vet The Dra DavisCarr 446 Km 0.3 Bo Bajuras787-872-0204
This was a horrible experience for myself and my dog. The place was unproffesional and honestly now that I have experienced the service and care ...SCARY.
I adopted an abandoned dog in Puerto Rico. I brought him in to have vaccinations and be neutered, clip his nails and check his ears.I never met with a vet only receptionist. When i arrived at 4 to pick up my pet I had to wait 1 1/2 hr to be helped. I was escorted to the back-picked my dog up from the cage, given aprescription to pick up antibiotics and sent on my way-no after care instructions at all. Arriving home a few minutes later was alarmed by the swelling and bruising.Dog was in pain and crying all night. In the am-realized he had pulled his stitches out -was in more pain and vomiting. I called pet vet -no answer- I drove dog to vet-closed today sign in door-no emergency number. i took my dog to anoter vet who then gave him antibiotic shot, pain shot, something for the vomiting and anti inflammatory for the swelling. Also pain med and antibiotic to take home. Also he is stillclawing and itching his ears-even though they said his ears were fine-I do not believed they checked his ears but charged me. NEVER take a pet here-they do not care for them.
I adopted an abandoned dog in Puerto Rico. I brought him in to have vaccinations and be neutered, clip his nails and check his ears.I never met with a vet only receptionist. When i arrived at 4 to pick up my pet I had to wait 1 1/2 hr to be helped. I was escorted to the back-picked my dog up from the cage, given aprescription to pick up antibiotics and sent on my way-no after care instructions at all. Arriving home a few minutes later was alarmed by the swelling and bruising.Dog was in pain and crying all night. In the am-realized he had pulled his stitches out -was in more pain and vomiting. I called pet vet -no answer- I drove dog to vet-closed today sign in door-no emergency number. i took my dog to anoter vet who then gave him antibiotic shot, pain shot, something for the vomiting and anti inflammatory for the swelling. Also pain med and antibiotic to take home. Also he is stillclawing and itching his ears-even though they said his ears were fine-I do not believed they checked his ears but charged me. NEVER take a pet here-they do not care for them.
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