Rafael Sotomayor Photography - Bayamón, Puerto Rico
Rafael Sotomayor Photography
1 Review
Rafael Sotomayor PhotographyPO Box 2935 Bayamon PR 00960787-362-9075https://www.puertoricoindex.com/img/pr/n/_1495467799-18-rafael-sotomayor-photography.jpg
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Listing - +13Years
With Us
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Rafael Sotomayor Photography
PO Box 2935 Bayamon PR 00960, Bayamón, Puerto Rico
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Company description
Destination Wedding Photography And Fine Portrature
Light and Passion are good words to describe the way that
Rafael feels about photography.
His roots are in portrait and wedding photography
Rafael have a natural, hands off approach, which allows his subjects to relax and allows him to capture the heart and soul of the moment.
With over 29 years as a Photographer his goal is to give you the best service and artistic experience. He works in the whole Puerto Rico area, Florida, and New York
Light and Passion are good words to describe the way that
Rafael feels about photography.
His roots are in portrait and wedding photography
Rafael have a natural, hands off approach, which allows his subjects to relax and allows him to capture the heart and soul of the moment.
With over 29 years as a Photographer his goal is to give you the best service and artistic experience. He works in the whole Puerto Rico area, Florida, and New York
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Rafael Sotomayor PhotographyPO Box 2935 Bayamon PR 00960787-362-9075https://www.puertoricoindex.com/img/pr/n/_1495467799-18-rafael-sotomayor-photography.jpg
Rafael was amazing to work with! We called him the day before on a whim, and he drove to the other side of the island (at no extra charge no less) and walked onto a location to which he had never been before. He immediately saw the best angles, shots, and lighting to create truly memorable images. He made us feel incredibly comfortable and relaxed, and we truly enjoyed our experience.... and then there are the pictures. In a word - INCREDIBLE!! If we didn't know it, we would have thought we were on a movie set. All in all, we would highly recommend Rafael for any photography work you may need. We will cherish these pictures forever.
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