Waffle-era Tea Room - San Juan, Puerto Rico
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Listing - +13Years
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Waffle-era Tea Room
259 1b Cristo St. - 103 Tetuan Street Top-West, San Juan, Puerto Rico
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Working hours
- Monday: 9am - 3pm
- Tuesday: closed
- Wednesday: closed
- Thursday: 9am - 3pm
- Friday: 9am - 3pm
- Saturday: 8am - 6pm
- Sunday: 8am - 6pm
Establishment year
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Company description
Welcome to Puerto Rico's Tea Room, Waffle-era Tea Room alias La Waflera, Old San Juan
is the island's first Tea Room and it offers over two dozen premium loose leaf tea, herbal tisanas and tea blends to choose from both imported and local grown organics to taste or purchase by weight or pre-packaged and to taste steeped to perfection served hot or iced, in addition to original savory and sweet gourmet waffles and the island's first syphon coffee bar and global coffee exotics line-up! Waffle-era Tea Room is also the home of Cultura Adoquin Tea & Tisasnas, Puerto Rico's premium gourmet tea and herbs importer. Cultura Adoquin Tea & Tisanas offers it's exclusive line of products to visitors of Waffle-era Tea Room as well as restaurants, coffee-shops, gift-shops and other establishments
Eat tea, Drink tea...@ Waffle-era Tea Room alias La Waflera
La Tetera y Gofreria de Puerto Rico, Waffle-era Tea Room tiene la mas amplia seleccion de te y especias organicas para tisanas y todas la bebidas son preparadas al momento frias o heladas: Ofrecemos te gourmet organico "loose-leaf" importado y especies organicas locales e importadas para tisanas que puede preparar en su hogar o para venta o preparacion en su establecimiento o restaurante. Contamos con la fina seleccion de Cultura Adoquin Te y Tisanas asi como una seleccion de especias cultivadas localmente por la Finca Organica SANA en Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. Toma Te Puerto Rico y explora nuestros sabores y los del mundo!
is the island's first Tea Room and it offers over two dozen premium loose leaf tea, herbal tisanas and tea blends to choose from both imported and local grown organics to taste or purchase by weight or pre-packaged and to taste steeped to perfection served hot or iced, in addition to original savory and sweet gourmet waffles and the island's first syphon coffee bar and global coffee exotics line-up! Waffle-era Tea Room is also the home of Cultura Adoquin Tea & Tisasnas, Puerto Rico's premium gourmet tea and herbs importer. Cultura Adoquin Tea & Tisanas offers it's exclusive line of products to visitors of Waffle-era Tea Room as well as restaurants, coffee-shops, gift-shops and other establishments
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interested in adding tea and/or tea products to their businesses. We also offer a selection of local grown organics by SANA Organic Farms in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico.Eat tea, Drink tea...@ Waffle-era Tea Room alias La Waflera
La Tetera y Gofreria de Puerto Rico, Waffle-era Tea Room tiene la mas amplia seleccion de te y especias organicas para tisanas y todas la bebidas son preparadas al momento frias o heladas: Ofrecemos te gourmet organico "loose-leaf" importado y especies organicas locales e importadas para tisanas que puede preparar en su hogar o para venta o preparacion en su establecimiento o restaurante. Contamos con la fina seleccion de Cultura Adoquin Te y Tisanas asi como una seleccion de especias cultivadas localmente por la Finca Organica SANA en Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. Toma Te Puerto Rico y explora nuestros sabores y los del mundo!
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