Research Chemicals - Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
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Research Chemicals
222 Agadilla, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
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Company description
We are research chemicals manufacturing company focuses on production of research chemicals that are rare in the market and generally advanced materials for research experiments. The main target fields for the research chemicals include products for medical laboratories, pharmaceutical laboratories, toxicology, biochemistry and chemicals for educational institutions. We pride ourselves in being able to isolate and develop those rare chemicals in science that eventually have very high impact on the globe when they have been utilized. We are therefore constantly on the lookout for those emerging chemicals that customers are interested in and put all our effort at developing them .
Our vision is to be a global leader in provision of research chemicals that have impact in education and
We have a very strict quality policy and endeavor to deliver only the best quality chemicals to our customers. We also focus on great customer service through fast and efficient ordering and delivery system through secure and tracked orders with as minimal lead time as possible.
A team of highly qualified and experienced staff, who embrace teamwork and cooperation for the best chemicals, heads the organization.
Our vision is to be a global leader in provision of research chemicals that have impact in education and
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industry to the benefit of humanity. The chemicals produced by ourselves are intended for research purposes and advancement of technology. To enhance this goal, the company has established an effective online presence through this website and we are able to sell our products online. With this system, global reach has been achieved and we are still reaching out to more markets.We have a very strict quality policy and endeavor to deliver only the best quality chemicals to our customers. We also focus on great customer service through fast and efficient ordering and delivery system through secure and tracked orders with as minimal lead time as possible.
A team of highly qualified and experienced staff, who embrace teamwork and cooperation for the best chemicals, heads the organization.
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